I know I haven't posted much, but that's partly because all I'm doing is reading and searching for jobs, which post in and post out, is boring. But Haloween is here. And that means pumpkin carving!
Here's the one Dinah did:
It's very well done, of course. Clean lines, symmetrical. You can just tell Dinah did it. And if you had to describe it as representing a classic horror film, you'd probably say Dracula. Or I would, because that's just the kind of thoughts I have when I'm carving pumkins.
And then there's mine: I wasn't going for clean and symmetrical. I was going for creepy and off-kilter. Where hers is Dracula, mine is more Texas Chainsaw Massacre. It plays more to my pumpkin carving strengths to not have to worry about making everything even. Of course it helped that I chose to use the sideo f the pumpkin that was heavily scarred. But then, I've always been a big believer in using the minuses of a pumpkin as strengths. (I put too much time and thought into pumkin carving.)
Anyway, Happy Haloween!