Three weeks are over. The LSAC guaranteed the LSAT scores by Monday, but were kind enough to send them out yesterday. I had heard rumors that this could happen, so I was obsessively checking my email all day at work. At this point, I was still calm. Something in the back of my head told me I would be doing this on Monday, so there was no point in getting too worked up about it now.
But, it wasn't until I got home and looked at the LSAC website that I saw they had changed the status of my score email date from the 19th (Monday) to 16th (Yesterday). And panic set in. Had I given them the wrong email address? Had I typed it wrong somewhere and my score was out in the unreal reality of the web bouncing around off of porn sites and hate group message boards, dirtying up my pretty score? Do I lose my score if I don't open it soon enough? Or do they just not want to tell me my score? Was it so bad they just want me to have one nice Friday night with my family before I find it out and join a cult or start liking teeny-bopper music and dressing in pastels?
These all seemed reasonable for a while, though I think I was outwardly calm while the wife and I did laundry. When the day started, I was so excited to get the laundry done (no, I really was), but now I wasn't folding my shirts with the passion. I was just thinking about my poor lost score.
Just before going to bed to read (10.30!), I decided to check one last time and hope the prodigal score came home tomorrow. Except this time my score was there. Right at the top of my email box next to a note my father had written about how he had been sick.* I stared for a second before I took control of the suddenly unwieldy mouse and opened it up.
And there, under some words that I still haven't really read was my score.
After the test I didn't feel great about it. I thought, "Okay, that was fine. Not great". And I talked myself into being happy about that. It would have been fine. I would end up going somewhere nice and getting a good financial aid package. Probably. But this score. It's not that many points are such a move up in the percentile, but it feels huge. Law school feels more assured now, which is a nice feeling that I expect to fade in the not too distant future as I think about shoring up my personal statement, drafting up my resume, explaining my speeding ticket and waiting for them to get back to me.
But. For now it's a win. A big win. And one that I really feel like I earned with the many hours of time at the library, being the first one in as the library worker who looks like a hefty and cross-eyed Jeff Daniels let me in. The many different guidebooks I read through and worked in. The practice tests. The stress. The anxiety. Yeah. This one definitely goes in the win column.
*Note 1. Something about his age, maybe, but he likes to go into detail about having the common cold. His woman friend makes good soups, apparently. This was the only thing I learned, though his descriptions of his days watching TV and not feeling any better did paint a picture.