Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Just a couple announcment (that's not terribly exciting) and some pondering

I didn't mean to go so long without posting, but it's been a busy time. But when I've gone this long without posting, you know what that means--mega-post.

All right, first. I joined facebook. I know, I know. Everyone's first reaction is, what does that mean for everything here at wheresthetrashcan? Well, it means nothing, really. I intend to keep blogging, because while I've enjoyed my first few days of facebook, I think it's not going to allow me the comfort to express myself as fully as I've enjoyed here.

And in case you thought joining facebook would mean less blogging, I'm here to say I think it might mean more blogging. In fact, I'm going to start working on a new blog just for my Gumshoe stories. And I'm going to link that blog to facebook (somehow) so it can reach a wider audience (maybe). I will continue to post Gumshoe stories (or possibly just links to the other blog) here.

Immediately, there won't be any new stories, as I am going to work on re-editing the completed story and putting it up on the new blog. I don't think I'll make any big changes, but it seems like a good time to make the story a little stronger and hopefully enjoyable for anyone who might want to read it for a second time.


School ended, and I didn't say much about it. This was partly because I didn't want to think about it right after and partly because I didn't know how to sum it all up. Still not sure I've got a handle on what that year meant. But oddly enough, working on law review has helped put the first year in perspective. Obviously, I would've had fits if I tried to do this a year ago. But more than just giving me the tools to do this, I have found myself enjoying it. Well, not at first. At first I was overwhelmed and overmatched. But after taking a breath and looking over the helpful material they gave us again, I developed a plan. I don't know if I'll get on, as it is really competitive, but I have a good feeling. Either way, at least I'm liking what I'm writing.

Staying on the topic of school, I won't get my grades until about halfway through June. At the earliest. In theory, I should be a little irked about this, but in practice, I do not want to think about my grades. I have been thinking about the curve and where I fit in with it for a very long time. Now, it's all out of my hands and while I am curious bout how I did, at this point it's a detached curiousity. I'm sure as the date of their release draws closer, my detachment will leave me, but now I get to enjoy just being done.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

One Test left...

In less than an hour I start my last test of my 1L year. I'm nervous about this one, because it's a contracts exam, which you may remember was a bit of an ordeal last semester. But other than a little cold, I think I'm in good shape to take this exam.
Mostly I can't stop thinking about that moment when I hand in my exam and I'm done with this year. I've been waiting and working for that moment for a long time. So, it'll probably be a bit of a disappointment when the law school doesn't shoot off fireworks and send out a marching band. But, I've worked so hard this year. So hard. And it will soon be over. Wow.
Sorry. This isn't a deep or particularly thoughtful post, I guess. But seriously. Wow.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Just checking in...

I'm sitting here in the lounge at Mitchell studying for my second final exam (out of four). In a week I'll be done and have a summer to regroup and do some more practical learning, which is where my mind has been continually wandering the last couple of days. I'm very excited to be done with this year and start my summer clerkship.
But nothing can match the excitement taking place in the room next to mine. In there are a bunch of students who will be graduating from law school in the next couple of weeks. They're picking up and trying on their caps and gowns. I've seen many of the faces before, but this is the first time I think I've seen any of them this gleeful. Not just smiles in this room, but belly laughs and hand shakes. These are some happy people.
And that's just two years away for me. Two years and this set of final exams. And I gotta say, the caps we get look awesome!