Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Why yes, it has been a while since I posted...But now I move forward...

There are many reasons I have not posted here in a while.  The first was law school was busy last semester (and will be this semester too, so...).  The second is this summer I really did not know what to say.  It was a good relaxing summer and a lot of things were on my mind, but I didn't really have a lot to say about them.
Not that I have so many answers right now, but I'm  at least in a mind where I can talk about them.  Two things in particular hit me this summer.
The first thing that hit me this summer was that this was my last full-summer break.  Next year I will be studying for the bar, which I hear is not relaxing.  And a good number of years after that (God willing) I will be lawyering.  So, a lot of the things I planned to do this summer, like update this blog or my Gumshoe stuff, took a back seat to my selfish feeling that I wanted to milk it a little.  I did work this summer, at two great places, and I wrote my long paper.*  But I also made sure I found time to read a couple books, see some movies, and generally mess around.  It was good.
The second thing that hit me this summer was that (and I don't know that I want to really own this statement right now) I like law school.  And.  I am going to miss it when it is over.  As I sit here going over cases for the moot court I made,** thinking about the amazing amount of work that sits in front of me this semester, I can't say I feel this quite as fully as I did back then.  But, it's still true.  Law school has been a good experience for me, on the whole.  There have been setbacks aplenty.  There have been times when I felt like I was being punched in the face repeatedly and there was no choice but to keep going.  But you know what?  I did keep going.  And I got better at it (mostly).  That feels really good.  I have no question now that I will be an excellent attorney.  I just need to find a good opportunity and continue forward.
But.  That's getting ahead of myself.  I have a long year ahead of me.  Including the moot court, I'm taking the equivalent of 16 credits this semester (beating my previous, near-insanity-inducing 15).  I have to really get on the networking/finding a job situation.***  And I still want to do well here.
So here we go.

*Note 1.  My law school requires every student to write a "long paper," i.e. over 8,500 words.  I wrote mine on transsexual prisoners.  It was really interesting and surprisingly fun to write.  It was also very depressing as transsexual prisoners are way more likely to suffer assault or sexual assaults at the hands of other prisoners or guards.  And there's not much happening to stop that.

**Note 2.  Rock!  Hopefully it will only be in a fake court of law that I will defend a corporation against "advocacy of genocide" charges.

***Note 3.  Especially since I was shut out of OCI again.  I really don't understand it at this point.  And it doesn't matter.  That part of law school is over.  Forward.