Tuesday, February 19, 2008

February Sucks...(or watch me bitch for way too long about stupid shit)

I have a feeling that after reading the title, most people are nodding their heads and I really have to do little to prove my point. But, seeings how this is a blog and it gives me license to opress anyone reading with my opinion, I'm gonna go ahead expound.
Living in Chicago, February is still the heart of winter. The wind whips at your face as you stand and wait for the train (which is always slow, thanks CTA). The snow that looked pretty in December and January, now blends almost completely into the concrete. Sure the temparature isn't always frigid (Sunday it was 46), but even when it's warmish, it's raining, or sleeting, and it's windy, so it's flinging whatever it's dropping into your face. And more than this, you're just sick of the cold. It's been 4 months of cold. Let's move on.
And there are no good sports on anymore. Baseball's two months away, and while pitchers and catchers have reported, there's no games or anything interesting until spring training games in early March. Which usually suck. Don't get me wrong, I'm gonna watch them, but that's because I'm obsessive, not because the games are good. And college basketball...I don't know. I really appreciated the continuity of college sports when I was a kid. Programs rose and fell over longer periods of time. Now, I don't have any idea who's good from year to year. Meh.
It's just a month of waiting. Just sitting inside, which you've been doing for months, except now, you don't have presents to think about buying or getting. You don't have parties to go to or plan. (There's Valentine's day, which some people like. But, I am not one of these people.)
And the movies! For the love of Pete (Sampras), there's nothing worth seeing out, except stuff that's been held over from the holidays. Jumper? The Eye? Fool's Gold? (Untraceable, maybe, but only because I'm in a pinch.) And there's nothing on the way until Summer.
Probably doesn't help that even TV has turned on me this year. For the love of Christ(ian Slater), I watched American Gladiators. On purpose. All the way through. And I started rooting for my favorite Gladiators (go Crush!). What the hell? I don't really know or care who's to blame in the whole thing, but if they knew the depths to which I've sunk to fill my time (I watched Pro Wrestling again for the first time in 2 + years. Now I have to call my sponsor.), I have a feeling both sides would've worked a wee bit harder on getting back.
There's nothing until the weather changes. Until sports come back. Until TV comes back (soon?). Until a couple good movies can be released at the same time (Dark Knight!)
And truthfully, it's probably hitting me harder this year because of the wedding, which like everything else is in waiting mode. Inviations are out and we're just waiting for the RSVPs so we can hand in the numbers and start making up seating charts and thinking about how many gift bags we're gonna have.
All in all. Blah! (and wow, if you read that whole thing, I'm sooo sorry. Next post more Daddy issues or something, I promise...)

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