Saturday, January 17, 2009

One (last) Night in Bangkok...or the thoughts of returning...

Just the last bit of the honeymoon remains. We're just bumming around our hotel and getting ready for the huge flight that awaits us, not to mention the jet lag and the resorting of everything for the work week that is about to come.
I thought I'd take this time to make a list of some of the things I'm thinknig about coming back.
1. the weather/lack of light: We're trading in sun burn for wind burn. It could be about 90 degrees of difference between temperature in Bangkok and that of Chicago when we land. I'm really freaked out that my body will reject the weather. And the lack of sunlight. It doesn't get dark here until 7ish. And it's light at 7 is gonna be hard to readjust to.
2. I'm gonna miss bananas. I really loved bananas before. I know they weren't fresh, but it never bothered me. They tasted good and they were good for me. But being here they were so much better. Fresher. Just lovely. And I got them in so many forms. Fresh. In shakes. In my cereal. In waffles. In fritters, oh Jesus am I gonna miss banana fritters. I can't get into this without crying softly to myself.
3. Bangkok. I didn't really enjoy the city, as you could probably tell from my posts about it, but...It's a big city. Full of people and things to do. It's no more ugly than St. Petersburg. It's just a hard city. A more hardy or prepared traveller could enjoy this city.
4. transportation. I'm really proud of the many different ways we got around. We took tuk tuks (in cities other than Bangkok, it's totally legit), Sang Tows, water taxis, regular taxis. We flew. We took buses and mini-vans. We did the Sky-rail in Bangkok. We arranged cars and got everywhere we wanted to go on time and without too much of a hassle. Mostly this is due to Dinah's skills at organizing, but it's still something I'm proud of. Going back to getting on the CTA and knowing exactly where I'm heading is gonna be nice, but sort of a let down. (This is however not an invitation for CTA to make it any more interesting.)
5. Dinah. She's great. I love her and she's the best Dinah ever. (I asked her if there was anything else I should write and that's what she came up with. It's not bad.)
6. Me. Throughout most of the trip I've been genuinely curious about the stuff we've been seeing. I've been asking questions and I feel like I've been more interesting. (Or I'm more interested in what's going on, maybe.) I really want to keep this going. I've been writing more. I've been reading more. These are good things for me and I need to find a way to, despite the comforts and distractions of home, keep it up. I like how this feels. I just need to remember that.
7. Gin and Tonic. Dear Gin and Tonic. I'm so happy I found you once again. My drinking life did feel a little incomplete without you. Don't get me wrong, I'm still gonna have fun with my friend beer, but you, sir, you have made the difference. Drinking you on a beach as the sun was setting over the mountains, the hotness of the day still lingering. You were there to quench my thirst and bring a smile to my face. Thank you. Let us never part like that again.
8. Anyhoo. This trip turned out for the best. I'm sure I'll have more updates with pictures and movies (if it's easy for me to figure out how to put them up, which I think it is. I mean there's a button on the task bar for this, so...). Maybe this is boring for everyone, but just think of it as a slideshow you can watch (or not) while drinking nice drinks.

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