Spring Break...and some random thoughts.
- I'm about 4 hours away from my first spring break in almost a decade. Which is a little more daunting than you would think. See, last spring break I had, I went with a college choir on a tour of Eastern Europe. That was a completely awesome, different, and fun thing to do. This time I'm probably going to try to finish up my reading for my classes and any of the homework assignments I can. So, yes. I would say things changed for me after I turned 30.
- It's St. Patrick's Day parade day in Chicago, so there's a bunch of people trolling around downtown. Which would be fine if they weren't mostly a bunch of idiots. Hey, I'm all for parades and dressing up in all green and wearing beer hats and being really proud of being really Irish, but I don't think any of these people could tell you anything about St. Patrick, Ireland or Irish culture. Sure, they could say something about Shamrocks. Maybe they'd know Dublin was the capital of Ireland. But I think a lot of people would say something about potatos, corned beef or whiskey. And that's fine and all, but can we at least pretend we're not celebrating a stereotype? I mean, it's another excuse for college kids to drink hard and throw-up, which is good, I guess. I always like a theme to my vomiting.
- And it would be too much for someone to read some Yates, Joyce, Keats, Swift, Wilde or Heaney? You know, just a thought.
- Working on more Gumshoe, but I've been a little caught up in my studies and job search. Should be more time this week, so hopefully I'll get one (or two) up this week.
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