Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Dear Joe Buck,

I know you're catching a lot of flack now (even from Skip Bayless (who was actually pretty rational, believe it or not)) about your comments about how you rarely love baseball.
And while I agree that it's not ideal for someone who has been so closely associated with baseball-calling the World Series, the All-Star Games, and countless Saturday afternoon games-for a good long time, I don't see your statements as anything more than you being burned out. Maybe ready to try something new. There's nothing wrong with that.
However, I disagree with some of your assertions. I don't think the games are too long. Could they be shorter? Should they be? Yeah. Probably. And if you're going to watch all the games, attention undivided, you I could see why probably want them to be. I think a lot of people multitask while the games going, same as they do with radio though. I don't think length of the games is as big a problem as baseball seems to think it is.
But, you did stumble on something when you compared baseball's schedule to football. Saying of football, "It's got such an advantage being once a week and every game's a big deal. And there are only 16 games all year..(snip) Standing really change in a couple weeks." I think you are right. I think a lot of people like how things can change so quickly from week to week. And that they really only have to invest 3 hours of time to watch their team (though most people probably invest a good deal more than that) during the week to know what's going on with their teams.
You're right. Baseball is more demanding. With baseball, there's generally at least 6 games a week for your team. And if you're reading local columnists and national coverage and trying to keep up with other teams in your division and league as well as interesting things happening all over the league (as I do), it can take up a lot of time. (And that's not even talking about the fantasy leagues.) I can see why a lot of people could find that daunting. I can see why a lot of people, as you say, would watch a game or two on the weekend, but not have the time to invest on during the week games. But for me (and I'll stipulate that I'm not an average baseball fan, but not a superfan. I still have a life outside of watching the Cardinals and all that goes with it for me.), I think that's what makes the game great.
162 games. 6 plus months. It's much more like work than a game when you think of it in those terms. There's few days off. Ther's not a full week to strategize and plan for just one game. Instead, they have to play pretty much every day for 6 months (barring injury) trying to produce at a steady rate and win games. It's a game of endurance and delayed gratification-two qualities which aren't (let's say) used most in describing the current zeitgeist, in America at least. It's not as easy to celebrate after a win, because it doesn't feel as big. It feels more like the wins we get at work (if we're lucky). Yay, I did well at my meeting today. Tomorrow there's another meeting and I've got to do well at that too. So, in a way, it's less escapist than football. And because a lot of why we watch sports is because of the escapism, baseball can suffer if it feels like it's a chore to keep up with everything.
And, Mr. Buck, it sounds like baseball has become a chore for you. Professionaly, I think this means that maybe it's time for you to step away from the game of the week. If you're not enjoying yourself, it's going to (and I would say has) come across as you call the game. You've got a dry sense of humor, and a low-key approach, so that can mask some of the ambivalence you feel, but ultimatley, the viewer's gonna be able to tell. And it's not gonna be a good situation for you or for the game.
For you personally, though. Well. I feel bad for you. You talk about how you used to enjoy the game and it's always sad when people lose the joy they once got from something. So, if as rumored, you're looking into getting a talk show or something, I say good for you. Good luck. Maybe getting away for a little bit would do you some good.
Anyway, just my thoughts. Good luck,
PS. If you think it's hard to watch 162 games a year, (which few people do Mr. Buck) I don't want to hear you bad-mouth another player who has a hard time getting up for each and every game.

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