Monday, September 8, 2008

Your basic update...

Sorry for the time off. I needed some time to regroup and get some things together.
On the Friday before Labor Day (ironically enough), I was let go from my job with the outsourcing company.
It's a scary thing being fired. It's never happened to me before. I mean, being outsourced was scary, but this is different. There wasn't anything waiting for me after. It was a long three-day weekend that I spent applying for jobs and trying not to feel like a loser.
It's been a little more than a week, and I've met with a staffing agency and kept busy with, applications, housework and new classes. And truthfully I'm okay. It's all a little odd and I'll be happier when I have a job again, but it's kind of nice to have time to study during the day and not feel as rushed.
It is weird not having to go anywhere all day and staring at the same walls all day.
There's more to write, and I know I will write it, but I guess I'm not quite through sorting it through. I'm okay though.

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