Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Semester Out.

And that's the semester...and I gotta say, that was a lot of material we just covered.
My goal going into the semester was to finish all three of these classes doing well enough to get honors qualification from them. You see, to get honors in the program overall, you need to get 7 out of 8 classes finishing at 90% or above. So I wanted to save my one miss for later classes, just in case they were harder or I was working and wouldn't have as much time to devote to them. I think I did well enough to keep things alive, but really, I'm not sure.
In two classes, I should be good. They were hard, but I understood them and they came pretty naturally. In the third, though, it wasn't that easy. And I made some stupid mistakes that may punch my grade just below the line. It didn't help that the teacher had an air of nonchalance that made me feel that he was sometimes mailing it in, but really it was my mistakes that could cost me this one. But, it's all still a learning experience. And I know I need to re-read assignments before turning them in. And make sure I'm fully answering questions.
But, whatever. I think I just turned in a perfect test tonight. And I think that's gotta be good enough for now.

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