Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Well...there was that...

So. In a move that only half-surprised me, I was let go from my new job on Monday.
I was shocked at the time. I mean, I'd been working hard. Really hard. And I'd been learning the way they process everything. And I'd been willing to do anything they asked of me. I was opening the mail and not bitching about it. I was doing the processing part of my job even as they told me I'd be moving on to things more relevant to my hiring. I wasn't checking the internet except maybe twice a day (for a total of maybe 10 minutes--break time really). I was going all out. I really was.
But. There were signs. Like it took them three weeks to give me a key to the front door. So, I had to ring the bell if I went to the bathroom or out to lunch. They never set up my email (though it was supposed to be a big part of my job), and they never gave me an employee handbook--which I just studied in paralegal class and found out how important they can be. Of course, I studied at-will employment last Saturday too, so I knew they could fire me with little or no reason and everything would be perfectly legal.
So. That's what they did. They said I wasn't a fit and let me go. Simple as that.
And it's different this time. Last time, I felt responsible. And I hate failing when it's my fault. This though. This wasn't quite my fault. It's only my fault in that I should've asked better questions at the interview. I should've sussed out that they didn't really know what they were going to do with me. And I shouldn't have accepted the benefits package they offered me. That's on me, no doubt. But, that's really not the biggest part of the problem. And it makes a whole difference when you feel like you're let go for something you can't control.
And I don't want to go into the whole thing of it. I think the people I worked with were nice enough people, so, you know, whatever. I wish them luck, but I do know they'll have a tough time replacing my production for what I was desperate enough to agree to work for.
I'm just hopeful that the economy will pick up and people will start suing each other in a way that requires law firms to employ a high quality, energetic, smart paralegal. I'm finishing up my second semester now and I'm still doing really well. So, I'm closer to being seen as a paralegal, even if I could step into the job and do a good job now.
And if nothing else, I'm now open to doing an internship next semester. So. There's that. I guess what I'm saying is there's more reason for me to feel hopeful now. And Ido feel more hopeful.

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