I will be attending William Mitchell College of Law next year.
I've decided and I am really happy with that decision. After my next paycheck on Friday, I'm gonna write out the check for the deposit and wait. And wait.
I mean, there's a lot that has to happen between now and then--moving up to St. Paul, Dinah getting a job, subletting (or reletting) our apartment, me maybe getting a new lap top, saving up some money just in case--but mostly it feels like I'm just biding my time until I get to start going to classes.
Luckily for me, I'm really bad at waiting. I mean, I'm not gonna pull my hair out or anything, but I am filled with no small amount anxiety (probably stemming from the fact that there's no real form or order to the way any of the above-mentioned things that need to happen are actually going to happen). Still. It already feels better knowing I know where I'm going and that it's a firm decision and not a most-likely or a maybe.
I am going to William Mitchell.
Also lucky for me that this is the beautiful gray season in the midwest that inspires all kinds of joy and happy feeling. yay. Still though, the weather here has been rather amazing until today's snow. Most of the rest of the snow we got this winter has melted away and this weekend it even felt like spring, if only for a fleeting moment.
Weather seems to be the thing that most people mention about St. Paul or Minnesota. It's gonna be cold and snowy and winter will last 8 weeks longer than it does here. And they are probably right. But I'm hoping there will be more sun there, which is a dodgy hope at best. But whatever. I've seen Minneapolis in the winter and in the summer and I think it's not gonna be so bad.
And next year, I'll be too busy at law school to care too much about the weather.