Saturday, April 16, 2011

Wrapping up.

It's a gray day in St. Paul. It snowed last night, but luckily the temperatures have risen into the forties and melted all of the accumulation away. The grass is starting to turn green, despite the low temps and the lack of sunlight.

And it is on this sullen day that the bright light has beamed down on me, because today I have finished my reading for Contracts, Torts, and (very importantly) Civil Procedure. I must pause now to hear the songs of angels and to sop away the tears that are filling my face.


Now that I'm a little more together, I have to qualify that previous statement that I am done with my reading for those classes--I am going to be a lawyer, so qualifying things is sort of what I'm gonna do. I am done reading those for the first time. In putting together my outlines and studying, I will undoubtedly have to read some parts, or possibly all (I'm looking at you Civil Procedure) of them again. But damn if it don't feel good to be through with the first read.

You've probably noticed that I took five classes and am done with only three. Well, my writing class had its final paper due last Tuesday, and all that's left for that class is a simulated hearing where I present my "motion". Still something to worry about and prepare for, but the heavy lifting for that is done. That leaves Property, which I left for last because it's going to be discussed later, and because I am enjoying the readings a lot right now.

Anyway, to sum up, I've got one week left of classes. Almost a week of reading time after that. And then I have two weeks of exams. Then four days off. Then law review write-on starts. Then I start my clerkship. And then I'm back here for my second year.

Speaking of which, this week was also registration. I pretty much got the classes I expected I'd be able to get. But immediately following registration I had this feeling of doubt about whether I'm taking on too much. You see, I've registered for 14 credits (but it's a "hard 14" from what I've heard about a couple of the classes) and I'm hoping to get on to law review. Plus I've run for a couple of positions on student organizations and I definitely want to volunteer again next year. Oh, and let's not forget that I somehow managed to bunch five hours of class on both Mondays and Wednesdays for first semester, which is either a stroke of genius, a stroke of luck, or a stroke-inducing blunder. So, yeah. Throw on top of this that everyone has decided now is the time to reveal that 2L is wayyyy harder than 1L, and I'm just a tad worried.

But worry is for later. Right now, I get to feel good about finishing things up.

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