Tuesday, April 22, 2008

What's up with me...

I'm going to Thailand at the end of this year. Dinah and I have decided that's where we'll take the official honeymoon of our marriage. (Brought to you by Cheer with color guard. Don't let the name fool you, we're not white supremacists!) Dinah was definitely the driving force behind this decision. Partly because her "childhood hairdresser" (seriously. If there's one thing that I could point to as showing how I sometimes don't understand the seeming-near-Rockwell childhood I ascribe to her, it's that she is still in contact with the woman who cut her hair when she was 8. As I mentioned in my controversial expose called "Penis on the Elbow", my relationship with the man who cut my hair the most when I was young was, well, uncomfortable.) is from there and may be able to point out some good places to go and fun things to do.
As you'll see if you read the Wikipedia article I linked to in the first sentence, Thailand had a revolution in 2006. This is one thing that gave me pause, but Dinah has assured me this was a "joyous" revolution. I don't know if this means the party she favored or is a member of won, or if it means it was a happy revolution with balloons and cake, but since we're married, (and this is our honeymoon) I guess I have to go along with this.
A couple updates on my last blog entry about Cubs fans and why they suck. First, our friend, Marty Brennaman has issued a statement about his statements. From the article:

"[Compared to Cubs fans] Cardinals fans are hands down the best in baseball.
They respect the game. They don't go to the game to do stupid stuff."The Cubs
have some great baseball fans. But the ones who act like idiots (ruin) it for
people like me."
Just so you know, I didn't ask the question, "Marty, how would you compare Cubs fans to say, Cardinal fans?" I wasn't even in the room.
But I was wondering why Marty didn't say Reds fans were the best? Or at least better. He works for the Reds. This might bear further investigation.
The second update. There's rumors around that the Cubs threw the last World Series they were in. Now, it looks like gambling and cheating in baseball (especially in Chicago) were much worse than we knew. I don't really have much of a comment on the situation other than to giggle a little to myself.
Edit: And now comes this. That's what I'm dealing with on the train and around my neighborhood. (Which is actually about a mile west of Wrigley. So others do have it worse, I know.)
I've applied to a Paralegal certification program, so I'll be waiting to hear from them for a bit now. I'm fighting the urge to call them just to make sure they got everything (they haven't cashed the check for their application fee yet) and to figure out when decisions are made.
The program begins in September and goes through next August. So, I'm gonna spend the rest of the spring and summer waiting to hear and then (hopefully) waiting to start. It also means I'm not probably going to change jobs for a year and a half. Which is okay, I guess. As long as I'm making bigger strides to getting a job that could be more fullfilling, that's the bigger deal. But, of course I'm going to have (a lot of) days that have the possibility to be soul-crushing here. But, as always, it's never wrong to plan exactly what you're gonna say when you leave.
Just because I needed to hear it. And maybe you do too.
The Rainbow Connection.
(Did I just spend 20 minutes trying to find the "best video" of this? Yes. Am I ashamed? Only a little.)

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