Monday, August 16, 2010

Bears did not kill me...

I emerged from the woods earlier than expected, but intact. As I mentioned in my last post, I had a bit of a cold. Unfortunately, it got worse on our trip. We spent Thursday night in a hotel in Duluth (which was planned), and it started to get better. Duluth was awesome by the way. It was cooler and so pretty. We hung out down town for a bit and drove around the city Friday night. Friday morning we went to Glensheer, which is the family estate of the Congdon family--an uber-rich family that made a ton of money in the mining industry. It was a good time.
But Friday evening and night was not kind to me. There was a dubious start to our camping trip when, on the drive into the park, I saw a baby bear (cub) on the side of the road. But, we went in, undeterred. However, it might have been the rain, which started almost immediately after we got our tent up, and dripped through the tent a bit. It might have been the smoke from the fire, which took us a lot longer to figure out how to get going than we thought it would. Or it might be the fact that the converter that would've allowed us to fill our air mattress broke. So, we "slept" on the hard ground.
Actually, I'm sure it was the "sleep". I could tough out the other things, but not sleeping just made me so sick and miserable. So, Saturday, we stuck around and spent the day in nature and left after supper.
It was for the best. I needed the sleep. I did not want to consider starting law school sick.
Which brings us to today. Classes officially start on Thursday, but today was the first day of official orientation, which is almost as scary to me. Today is the first time to meet the people in my section. And honestly, the social aspect of law school is probably just as scary to me as the studying and work aspect.
But, I have to say. So far so good. I met a couple people who seemed really nice and who are in my section. And I think it's gonna be okay.
So, yeah. I'm calmer tonight. Which is nice.

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