Wednesday, March 26, 2008


(Note, there won't be posts for 2 and 1, because I'll be on my way to Grinnell, and doing the whole what-not to get things ready for the wedding.)

Holy crap. That's pretty much the thought going through my mind the minute Jay-Z woke me up this morning. (Note: not in person, just a song.) We spent a good deal of last night preparing gift baskets and packing (I'm bringing 3 sets of cuff links, because I couldn't decide which pair to wear. When did I get old enough to own 3 sets of cuff links?). Everything is going well (I'm saying that enough now that I'm starting to believe it). I ran through a my mental list three or four hundred times. So.

Yeah. So, now I'm sitting at work, in my ill-sized cubicle staring at the clock every second or so.
And, well, it's not like there's anything really profound left for me to say about the whole thing. Nothing earth-shattering or world-beating. I'm getting married in 3 days. Which is good.
I'll be surrounded by my closest friends and most of my family. It should be a good time (though there's gonna be awkward moments and that's just fine too). If I can just keep myself from stressing about the little stuff (and at this point if we remember the marriage license, everything else is pretty much little stuff), then everything will be just dandy. Perhaps even fine and dandy. But let's not push things.

Speaking of not pushing things. We may be in luck and get a 52 degree partly cloudy spring day in Iowa. That's a lot better than I was hoping for a week or two ago.

When next I post, I will be a married man. (probably.)

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